
IsoCubeSim is my cuboid (LxMxN) simulator, but I've made a few variations which do other things. It was specifically designed to be used for computer speedcubing - before the era of more complex keyboard-controlled cube sims, many of the world speed records were set on this program. Here are the basic controls and features:
- Play with any size cube or cuboid from 1x1x2 to 20x20x20 and bigger - use +/- to change the size of each axis, or click on the white boxes to change one axis at a time.
- Click and drag a sticker to do a move, but unlike some other simulators, Iso will detect even very small drags.
- Hold Shift to do a half turn, and Ctrl to do a rotation. Scramble with s and restore the puzzle again with r.
IsoCubeSim is distributed as a self-executable .jar file. You should be able to run it like an application, if you have Java installed. Because a certain browser doesn't handle .jar files correctly, I've included each one in a .zip file. Here are the versions available for download:
- IsoCubeSim (version 4.1) - the original, now with supercubes (older versions: 4.0, 3.0, 2.4, 2.3, 2.2, 2.0, 1.3, supercube versions: 2.2, 2.0, 1.3)
- IsoILLusionSim - simulates the V-cube "ILLusion" puzzle on odd NxNxN cubes - the even ones are iffy
- CircleCubeSim - simulates a version of the odd Circle Cube puzzles; try to imagine the outer layer as the 'shell' and the rest as centers
- IsoMinxSim (version 4.0) - megaminx, gigaminx, and so on, plus saving/loading and zoom. There is also an old version with keyboard controls.
IsoCubeSim v4.1 has the following changes:
- Bug fixes: prevented movecount race condition; fixed wide moves in reconstructions
IsoCubeSim v4.0 has the following changes:
- Control enhancements: right click for half turn, middle click for rotation, mouse wheel and shift + mouse wheel to scroll
- Automatically writes info about all solves (including reconstruction and statistics) to a log file
- Automatically saves current solve when program is exited, and loads it when program is started
- Option to hide the timer area
- Screenshot menu/button
- Background/line/guideline colors modifiable in settings
- Reorganized menus
IsoCubeSim v3.0 has the following changes:
- Supercubes, with both Pochmann and triangle stickers
- Relays and everything-relays
- New saved game format (not backwards compatible)
- Various UX improvements, bug fixes, and code cleanup
IsoCubeSim v2.4 has the following changes:
- More performance improvements
- Settings file to save certain things between sessions
- More controllable zoom
- Option to view only the F face. Toggle with the 1 key
- Changed guide lines to a center highlight. Toggle with the G key
- Option to update timer less often, for even more performance
- Bug fixes
IsoCubeSim v2.3 has the following changes:
- Performance improvements
- "Change Cube Size" dialog accepts e.g. "31" for 31x31x31
- Option for no black lines between pieces
- Hotkey changes: Space/Esc for scramble/restore, Ctrl+S/Ctrl+L for save/load
- Scramble options in the menu, and half turn scrambles only allow half turns during the solve
- Scrambling prevented during a solve, and all turns prevented after a solve, to avoid losing progress