A.1: |
Before the event:
- A.1.1: The default time limit for speed solving events is
10 minutes. If the organization team wishes to use a different time
limit, this must be announced before the contest. See regulation A.6.9
for more details about the time limit.
A.2: |
- A.2.1: A competitor who is participating in a speed solving
round must hand their puzzle to the scrambler(s) when asked, and must
wait in the designated area during that round whenever that competitor
is not competing.
- A.2.2: A scrambler will scramble every competitor's puzzle
according to Article 4.
- A.2.3: Competitors must not see their puzzles between the
time when the puzzle is scrambled and the start of the inspection phase.
- A.2.4: After a puzzle is scrambled, a judge must take the
puzzle and make sure that the puzzle is scrambled. If the puzzle is not
scrambled, the judge must return the puzzle to the scrambler(s).
- A.2.5: At some point, the judge must place the puzzle onto
a StackMat in the same orientation that it was scrambled in, and must
completely cover the puzzle with one hand or an object.
A.3: |
- A.3.1: Before starting a solve, a competitor may inspect
their puzzle. The competitor has a maximum of 15 seconds for
inspection, but may choose to end inspection before 15 seconds has
passed. The following regulations describe the procedure of inspection.
- A.3.2: Before inspection, the judge must make sure that the
StackMat timer and a stopwatch are reset and ready for use. The judge
must verbally confirm this.
- A.3.3: When the judge and the competitor are both ready to
begin the inspection, the judge will ask, "OK?". Approximately one
second after the competitor replies with "OK", the judge uncovers the
puzzle, and at the same time starts the stopwatch. This is the
beginning of the inspection period.
- A.3.4: When the judge's stopwatch reaches 10 seconds, the
judge must
call "5 seconds". When the judge's stopwatch reaches 15 seconds, the
judge must call "Stop".
- A.3.5: During the inspection period, the competitor is
allowed to
pick up the puzzle. If the competitor manipulates the puzzle, the solve
will be disqualified, although the competitor may align the faces of
the puzzle if the alignment does not count as a turn under regulation
- A.3.6: When the competitor wishes to end inspection, the
competitor must place the puzzle back onto the Stackmat in any
- A.3.7: If the judge's stopwatch reaches 16 seconds and the
competitor has not ended inspection, the competitor will receive a
two-second penalty. If the judge's stopwatch reaches 18 seconds and the
competitor has not ended inspection, the solve will be disqualified.
- A.3.8: When inspection has ended, the judge must again
completely cover the puzzle with one hand or an object. The judge must
neither move nor manipulate the puzzle.
A.4: |
Before the solve:
- A.4.1: After inspection, the competitor must place both
hands on the timer sensors. If the competitor's fingers are not
touching the sensors, or the competitor's palms are not facing
downward, the competitor will receive a two-second penalty.
- A.4.2: Between the end of inspection and the start of the
solve, if the competitor touches the puzzle, the competitor will
receive a two-second penalty.
- A.4.3: When the competitor is ready to begin the solve, the
judge says "OK?". Approximately one second after the competitor replies
with "OK", the judge uncovers the puzzle. This is the beginning of the
solve period.
- A.4.4: During the solve period, the competitor starts the
solve by removing one or both hands from the timer, starting the timer.
If the competitor does not start the timer within three seconds of the
puzzle being uncovered, the competitor will receive a two-second
penalty. If the competitor does not start the timer within five seconds
of the puzzle being uncovered, the solve will be disqualified.
A.5: |
During the solve:
- A.5.1: If, during the inspection or solve periods, the
competitor has any communication with anyone other than the judge, the
solve will be disqualified.
- A.5.2: If, during the inspection or solve periods, the
competitor receives aid from anyone or any object other than the judge
or the StackMat surface, the solve will be disqualified.
A.6: |
Ending the solve:
- A.6.1: The competitor ends the solve period by releasing
and then stopping the timer.
- A.6.2: It is the competitor's responsibility that the timer
is stopped correctly.
- A.6.3: If the competitor does not stop the timer using both
hands, with both hands flat and with both palms down, the competitor
will receive a two-second penalty.
- A.6.4: If the competitor does not fully release the puzzle
before stopping the timer, the competitor will receive a two-second
- A.6.5: After the timer has been stopped, the judge must
inspect the puzzle without manipulating it and must determine whether
the puzzle has been solved, applying regulation 10.5.
- A.6.6: If the competitor manipulates the puzzle before the
judge has fully inspected the puzzle, the solve will be disqualified.
- A.6.7: If there is a dispute, and the competitor
manipulates the puzzle before the dispute has been settled, the solve
will be disqualified.
- A.6.8: If the competitor resets the timer before the judge
has written down the result of the solve on the competition sheet, the
solve will be disqualified at the discretion of the judge.
- A.6.9: If the time limit is reached or exceeded, the solve
is considered to be ended, and the solve is disqualified.
A.7: |
- A.7.1: The judge must write down the result of the solve on
a competition sheet, and must sign the sheet with the judge's initials.
- A.7.2: The competitor must verify that the result on the
competition sheet, and must then sign the sheet with the competitor's
- A.7.3: If the competitor received no penalties during the
solve, the judge must call "Good".
- A.7.4: If the competitor received one or more two-second
penalties but the solve was not disqualified, the judge must call
- A.7.5: If the solve was disqualified, the judge must call
"DNF" or "Disqualification".
- A.7.6: After the solve, and after both the judge and the
competitor have initialed the competition sheet, the judge must deliver
the competition sheet to the score taker.
- A.8.1: Standard procedure is followed as described in
regulations A.1 through A.7,
except for the following changes or exceptions.
- A.8.2: As a change to regulation A.2.5, the judge must
place the
Clock in a standing position on the StackMat.
- A.8.3: As a change to regulation A.3.6, after the
inspection, the
competitor must place the
Clock in a standing position
on the StackMat.
- A.9.1: Standard procedure is followed as described in
regulations A.1 through A.7,
except for the following changes or exceptions.
- A.9.2: This overrides
regulation A.2. The judge gives the Magic to the competitor, who must
place it flat on the StackMat.
- A.9.3: This overrides regulation A.3. There is no
inspection period.
- A.9.4: This overrides regulation A.4.3. When the competitor
ready, the competitor must say "OK". This is the beginning of the solve
- A.10.1: Standard procedure is followed as described in
regulations A.1 through A.7,
except for the following changes or exceptions.
- A.10.2: As an addition to regulations
A.3 and A.4, the competitor may only touch the puzzle with one hand.
- A.10.3: As an addition to regulation
A.5.2, the competitor may not touch the
puzzle with any body part excluding the hand used during inspection,
and may not let the puzzle touch any other object or the table while
the competitor is making moves.
- A.10.3.1: The penalty for breaking this rule is
disqualification of the solve.
- A.10.3.2: If the competitor drops the puzzle, the
may not make any
moves until the puzzle is no longer touching any object other than the
competitor's hand.
- A.10.4: During the solve, if the
competitor has touched the puzzle with one
hand, and the competitor then touches the puzzle with the other hand,
the solve will be disqualified.
- A.10.5: If a puzzle defect occurs, the
competitor may use only the hand used during solving to repair the
puzzle, although the puzzle may touch the StackMat surface while the
competitor is repairing the defect.
With Feet:
- A.11.1: Standard procedure is followed as described in
regulations A.1 through A.7,
except for the following changes or exceptions.
- A.11.2: The competitor must use either bare feet or feet
with socks
to solve the puzzle.
- A.11.3: During the inspection and solve
the competitor must only touch the
puzzle with feet and with the Stackmat surface. Touching the puzzle
with any other body parts or other available objects will result in
disqualification of the solve.
- A.11.4: As a change to regulation A.4.1, the competitor
must place
both feet onto the timer
sensors, with the ball of the foot or the toes on the sensors.
- A.11.5: As a change to regulation A.4.4,
the competitor starts the solve by removing
one or both feet from the timer.
- A.11.6: This overrides regulation A.6.3. The competitor
must stop the
timer by placing both feet
onto the timer sensors.