Javascript Programs
Cubing Related
- qCube: my innovative (and fast) NxNxN simulator with keyboard controls
- qCube v2 - hi-games style controls, many features
- qCube bandaged - dozens of different bandaged cube puzzles
- [+] Older versions
- qCube-2gen - qcube with 2-gen scrambling
- qCube-3color - qCube, cube with one layer red, the opposite layer blue, and the rest white
- qCube-8moves - qCube with 8-move scrambles
- qCube-centers - qCube, centers only
- qCube-dazzler - V-Cube Dazzler sim (~ to swap colors)
- qCube-disco - qCube, with a color scheme that changes every move (this can be solved quickly, trust me)
- qCube-floppy - Floppy Cube (1x3x3) sim
- qCube-grey - only shows solved stickers
- qCube-halfturn - qCube with half turn scrambling/solving
- qCube-illusion - V-Cube ILLusion sim (~ to swap colors)
- qCube-jcs - qCube with Japanese Color Scheme
- qCube-marathon - qCube, N cubes in a row (< and > to adjust N)
- qCube-minimal - only shows two stickers, can you still solve it?
- qCube-random - qCube with random color scheme (changes each scramble)
- qCube-relay - qCube, 2x2 through NxN in a row
- qCube-supercube - qCube, supercubes!
- qCube-timer - qCube with no solving or scrambling, for timing algs
- qCube-white - qCube, white-cube inspired color scheme
- qMinx: a new <canvas>-based (and, again, fast) Megaminx-type puzzle simulator with keyboard controls
- qMinx v2 - Megaminx, Pyraminx Crystal, etc. with many features
- [+] Older versions
- clock sim: a simple clock simulator with fully keyboard control
- 2-D 'Twisty' puzzles with keyboard controls
- 3x3x3 Constraint Solver - find 3x3x3 positions that satisfy some constraints
- tiny Rubik's Cube scrambler - under 150 characters
- cubeshape trainer - for learning Square-1
- EP optimizer - simulates Square-1 edge permuations to figure out what alg you should learn next
Minesweeper Related
- Minesweeper: The Grand Master - the hardest Minesweeper game to beat. think you have the skills to become a GM?
- MultiSweeper - minesweeper clone with many different control schemes and variations
- Minesweeper Probability Calculator - demonstration of probability-computing algorithm that can handle very complex boards
- Radial - an infinitely scrolling board where the density depends how far you are from the center. also supports infinite boards with a specific fixed density, and some other options. WASD or arrows to scroll
- Torus Sweeper - minesweeper clone with wrap-around boards and personal high score list, WASD or arrows to scroll
- Hex Minesweeper v1 - hexagonal minesweeper clone (board size weighted by me)
- Hex Minesweeper v2 - hexagonal minesweeper clone (board size corresponding to HexMines by Heinz Repp)
- Mouse Control - practice/warmup for minesweeper style clicking
- Nonosweeper Probability Calculator - calculates probabilities of empty, full, and solvable rows
- makeboard - place mines and compute statistics of the resulting board
- Mosaik - save, load, and create Minesweeper-like logic puzzles (see this forum thread)
Rhythm Game Related
- Stream Speed Tester - how fast can you hit various 4-key and 6-key patterns?
- Stepmania Recolorizer - draws a SM file, and can create a new SM file with any note colorings you want
- Random pattern generators for making simfiles
- Super Shuffler - similar concept to the Super Shuffle mod from Stepmania, but this one will preserve your patterns as accurately as you want
- Random 4key - a huge possible selection of 4key (singles) patterns
- Random 6key - a huge possible selection of 6key (solo) patterns
- Random 8key - a huge possible selection of 8key (doubles) patterns
- Utilities for finding the value of a score, and comparing two scores
- DP compare - uses Stepmania's Dance Point values; no difference between marvelous and perfect
- DP-M compare - like DP, but the marvelous:perfect:great ratio is the same as in Machine Score
- MIGS compare - like DP, but with a bonus for each marvelous (so CB's are now worth a lot less)
- FFR compare - uses FFR's scoring system
- TS compare - uses ThirdStyle's scoring system
- FFR Level Rank Chart - paste in your FFR level rank table, and it will chart your progress on each difficulty
Other Programs
- PsychoPath JS - version of a defunct Flash puzzle game by K2xL Games, with several hundred official and custom levels provided to me by davidspencer6174. push the boxes to reach the goal without going over the step count
- Disconnect Four - a logic puzzle with random auto-generated levels, where you try to place pieces with no four-in-a-rows of the same color
- Disconnect More - like Disconnect Four, but with 20 different types of puzzles, of varying difficulty
- SwitchTile - a mouse-controlled game where you try to return to the original picture as quickly as possible
- sliding puzzle sim - online 15-puzzle (and more) simulator with tons of options and features; mostly by Alberto Burgos and Hannanov Bulat (stannic), with changes by me
- Generalized Tower of Hanoi - a version of the Tower of Hanoi with more pegs and more difficulty - see this thread for more info
- KenKen solver - gives the combinations to one sum or product group
- Korean character generator - select the individual components and press the button
- word counter - counts words as you type
- pipe drawing program - use left and right clicks to select a pipe, and don't forget to take a screenshot when you're done